In connection with the informational obligations of GTC Real Estate Holding B.V. in jurisdictions outside of Poland – main shareholder of Globe Trade Centre S.A. (“GTC”) – the management board of GTC hereby provides the attached table with information, which partially was not subject of previous public disclosure. This information is not significant information with the meaning of the Act on the public offerings and terms of introduction of financial instruments to the organized trade and on public companies. Attached has been prepared by GTC on the best knowledge basis and assessment of the situation. Part of the information is judgment based and certain assumption may show to be untrue or change. GTC reserves that some of the information may include unintentional mistakes or be incomplete.

Signed by

Date Name Position
2010-08-27 Mariusz Kozłowski Member of the Management Board
2010-08-27 Witold Zatoński Member of the Management Board