Shareholder structure

GTC’s main shareholder is Optimum Venture Private Equity Funds, which indirectly through the GTC Holding Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság (GTC Holding Zrt) and Alpine Holding Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaságthe holds GTC shares. The Alpine Holding Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaságthe, which indirectly (i.e. through Global Debt Strategy S.à r., which in turn indirectly holds through GTC Dutch Holdings B.V) holds 58.80% and GTC Holding Zrt holds 3.81% (see current reports no 40/2022 and 19/2023)

Shareholder Share in the capital Number of shares Number of votes

GTC Holding Zrt.

3.81% 21 891 289 21 891 289
GTC Dutch 58.80% 337 637 591 337 637 591
Allianz OFE 10.85% 62 330 336
62 330 336
OFE PZU Złota Jesień
9.54% 54 808 287
54 808 287
Others 17.00%
97 587 619
97 587 619

Shareholder Number of shares Share in the capital Number of votes Share in the votes

GTC Holding Zrt.

21 891 289 3.81% 21 891 289 3.81%
GTC Dutch 337 637 591
58.80% 337 637 591 58.80%
Allianz OFE
62 330 336
10.85% 62 330 336
OFE PZU Złota Jesień 54 808 287
9.54% 54 808 287
Others 97 587 619
17.00% 97 587 619
Together: 574 255 122 100% 574 255 122 100%

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Commercial Buildings


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