The Management Board of Globe Trade Centre S.A. (“GTC” or the “Company”) hereby informs that it received information on 10 July 2012 from ING Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny with its registered seat in Warsaw (the “Fund”), that it increased its shareholding in GTC as regards the shares in GTC and the rights to shares, which upon the exchange of the rights into shares will increase the number of votes that the Fund may exercise at the Company’s general meeting by at least 2%.

Based on the information provided in the notice, in result of the acquisition of the rights to GTC’s shares (prawa do akcji) in transactions executed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and settled on 10 July 2012, in the securities account of the Fund there are 27,193,610 shares in the Company and 14,077,019 rights to shares in the Company which constitute 12.92% of the Company’s share capital. Once the rights to shares are exchanged for the shares in the Company, the Fund will be authorised to exercise 41,270,629 votes at the Company’s general meeting which will constitute 12.92% of the overall number of votes.

Prior to the acquisition of the rights to shares, the Fund held 27,193,610 shares in the Company which constituted 12.40% of the overall number of votes at the Company’s general meeting and 12.40% of the share capital in GTC.

Additionally, the Fund informed that it could not rule out any increase or decrease of the number of shares held thereby, depending on market conditions and the Company’s results, while the objective of purchasing the Company’s shares is to invest the Fund’s resources within the scope of the Fund’s investment-related activities.

Legal basis: Article 70 in connection with Article 69 of the Act on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies dated 29 July 2005, as amended.