The Management Board of Globe Trade Centre SA (the “Company”) wishes to state that on 26 March 2012 it received, pursuant to Art. 401 § 1 of the Commercial Companies Code, a demand accompanied by a draft resolution from ING Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne S.A., with its registered seat in Warsaw (00-342) at ul. Topiel 12, acting on behalf of ING Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny, a shareholder representing at least one-twentieth of the share capital of the Company (the “Shareholder”), regarding the adoption of a resolution to grant remuneration to a member of the Company’s Supervisory Board to be included in the agenda of the ordinary general shareholders’ meeting of the Company convened for 16 April 2012 (the “General Meeting”).

In response to the Shareholder’s demand, the Management Board of the Company has decided to amend the agenda of the General Meeting by:

  • adding item 11 to the agenda of the meeting reading as follows: adoption of a resolution to grant remuneration to a member of the Company’s Supervisory Board; and
  • re-numbering the former item 11 of the agenda (“Closing theGeneral Meeting”) as item 12 of the amended agenda.

In view of the foregoing, the Management Board of the Company hereby announces to the public the amended agenda of the General Meeting including the new item 11.

Updated agenda:

  1. Opening of the General Meeting.
  2. Election of the chairman of the General Meeting.
  3. Statement that the General Meeting was duly convened and that it may adopt resolutions, and the adoption of the agenda.
  4. Review and adoption of a resolution regarding approval of the Company’s financial statements for the financial year 2011, and the Management Board’s report on the Company’s operations in the financial year 2011.
  5. Review and adoption of a resolution regarding the approval of the consolidated financial statements of the capital group of the Company for the financial year 2011.
  6. Adoption of a resolution regarding the coverage of loss for the financial year 2011.
  7. Adoption of resolutions regarding the approval of the duties performed by the Management Board members in the financial year 2011.
  8. Adoption of resolutions regarding the approval of the duties performed by the members of the Company’s supervisory board in the financial year 2011.
  9. Adoption of a resolution on increasing the Company’s share capital by way of issuing ordinary bearer shares and on amending the Company’s statute, with the proposed record date being 4 June 2012.
  10. Adoption of a resolution regarding granting remuneration and phantom share options to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board.
  11. Adoption of a resolution regarding granting remuneration to the Member of the Supervisory Board.
  12. Closing of the General Meeting.

The Management Board of the Company forwards (attached hereto) a draft resolution of the General Meeting to grant remuneration to a member of the Company’s Supervisory Board, proposed by the Shareholder.

The other information regarding the convocation of the General Meeting published in current report No. 13/2012 dated 16 April 2012 remains unchanged.

Draft resolution no 25