The Management Board of Globe Trade Centre S.A. (the “Company"), hereby informs that Annual Shareholders Meeting held on 24 May 2016, with its resolution no 28 approved Mr Mariusz Grendowicz as an Independent Supervisory Board member for a period of three years.
Mariusz Grendowicz has been a member of the Supervisory Boards of Aviva Poland since 2012, Arctic Paper SA since 2012 and Money Makers since 2012. In 2013 - 2014 he was President and Chief Executive Officer of Polish Investments for Development SA. In 2008-2010, he was President of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer of BRE Bank SA, and earlier, in 2001- 2006 was a Vice President of Bank BPH SA, responsible for Corporate Banking and Real Estate Division. During his career, he was also President and Deputy President of ABN AMRO in Poland (1997-2001), Deputy President of ING Bank in Hungary (1995-1997) and headed division of structured finance and capital markets in ING Bank in Warsaw (1992-1995). In 1983-1992 Mariusz Grendowicz worked in banks in London, including Australia and New Zealand Banking Group and Citibank.
Mariusz Grendowicz studied at the University of Gdańsk and then graduated with a degree in banking in the United Kingdom.
Mariusz Grendowicz is not entered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors maintained in compliance with the Act on the National Court Register and does not perform any activities outside of the Company’s business which would be competitive thereto, does not participate in any competitive business either as a partner in a civil partnership or any other partnership, and is not a member of the authorities of any company or any other competitive legal entity.
Additionally, the Company received a written statement of LSREF III GTC Investments B.V., with its registered seat in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, at Herikerbergweg 238, 1101 CM (the “Entitled Shareholder”), according to which the Entitled Shareholder, pursuant to sections 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3 and 7.1.7 of the articles of association of the Company:
- Reappoint Mr. Alexander Hesse as a member of the supervisory board of the Company effective 24 May 2016
- Reappoint Mr. Philippe Couturier as a member of the supervisory board of the Company effective 24 May 2016
- Reappoint Mrs. Katharina Schade as a member of the supervisory board of the Company effective 24 May 2016
Pursuant to its statement and the deposit certificate attached thereto, the Entitled Shareholder holds 278,849,657 shares in the Company, which constitute 60.59% of the Company’s share capital and entitle the holder thereof to 60.59% of the votes at the general meeting of the Company.
Alexander Hesse has over 18 years of experience in real estate investments and asset management. He has invested directly in properties as well as in commercial real estate debt. As a senior managing director and co-head of European Real Estate Investments at Lone Star, he is in charge of real estate and real estate debt investments in Germany, Austria and CEE/SEE. At TLG Immobilien GmbH, Berlin, Mr. Hesse is chairman of the advisory board. Prior to joining Lone Star, between 2002 and 2007, he was head of real estate at Hudson Advisors Germany, responsible for real estate asset management and underwriting of Lone Star real estate and debt investments in Germany. Prior to this, Mr. Hesse was a managing director at a listed German real estate company.
Mr Hesse graduated from WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management and successfully participated in MBA programmes at Penn State University and Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM).
Philippe Couturier is chief executive officer Europe of Hudson Advisors and has more than 20 years of experience with real estate investments throughout Europe. As managing director he oversees the investment advice given by Hudson Advisors European asset management entities to their clients and directs the underwriting, financing and asset management of all Lone Star investments in Europe. Prior to joining Hudson Advisors, Mr Couturier held various positions for Archon Group (Goldman Sachs Group) in Europe, ultimately serving as head of acquisition and loan asset management.
Mr Couturier holds a degree in business and administration from INSEEC, Paris.
Katharina Schade has several years of experience in M&A and strategy consulting. In her current position as vice president, underwriting at Hudson Advisors Germany, she underwrites investments for Lone Star in Germany, Austria and CEE/SEE. Prior to joining Hudson, she worked for more than six years as manager of corporate strategy and M&A for a family-owned corporation and as a consultant advising private equity funds and financial institutions at Bain & Company in Germany, Denmark and Belgium.
She graduated from Philipps University in Marburg and is a CFA charterholder.
Alexander Hesse, Philippe Couturier and Katharina Schade are not entered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors maintained in compliance with the Act on the National Court Register and do not perform any activities outside of the Company’s business which would be competitive thereto, do not participate in any competitive business either as a partner in a civil partnership or any other partnership, and are not a member of the authorities of any company or any other competitive legal entity.
Additionally, the management board of Company announces that on 24 May 2016, i.e. on the date of the annual shareholders meeting of the Company, the mandate of Mr Jarosław Karasiński, member of the supervisory board, expired.
Legal grounds: §5.1.22 of the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 19 February 2009 concerning the submission of current periodical information by the securities' issuers and the conditions of recognizing as equal the information demanded by the national lawful regulation of a country which does not hold the membership in European Union.
24.05.2016 17:22