The Management Board of Globe Trade Centre S.A. (“Company”) hereby reports that on 23 June 2020 the Company received from LSREF III GTC INVESTMENTS B.V. (“LSREF”) and Lone Star Real Estate Partners III, L.P. (“Lone Star”) a notification of a change in the shareholding of the Company issued pursuant to Article 69 section 1 item 2 in conjunction with Article 87 section 5 item 1 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering, the Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and on Public Companies.

According to the notification, on 23 June 2020, as a result of the disposal of the shares held by LSREF in the share capital of GTC Dutch Holdings B.V. (the majority shareholder of the Company) to GTC Holding Zártkörüen Müködö Részvénytársaság, the indirect disposal of 298,575,091 (two hundred and ninety-eight million, five hundred and seventy-five thousand and ninety-one) shares in the Company constituting 61.49% of the shares in the share capital of the Company, corresponding to 298,575,091 (two hundred and ninety-eight million, five hundred and seventy-five thousand and ninety-one) votes at the general meeting of the shareholders of the Company constituting 61.49% of the votes at the general meeting of shareholders of the Company occurred.

As at the date of the notification, LSREF and Lone Star do not, either directly or indirectly, hold any shares in the share capital of the Company.

Furthermore, with reference to current reports No. 11/2020 and 12/2020, the Management Board of the Company informs that due to the receipt by the Company of the notification referred to in this current report, the dismissal of Thomas Kurzmann from the position of member of the Management Board of the Company and the resignations of members of the Supervisory Board of the Company are effective as of 23 June 2020.


Legal grounds: Art. 70 point 1 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering, the Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and on Public Companies.

 23.06.2020  16:44