The Management Board of Globe Trade Centre S.A. (“the Company”) hereby informs that on 8 December 2020 it received a written statement of GTC Dutch Holdings B.V. with its registered office at Herikerbergweg 238, 1101 CM Amsterdam Zuidoost, the Netherlands; company registration number: 71627081 (the “Entitled Shareholder”), according to which the Entitled Shareholder dismisses Mr. Péter Bozó and appoints Mr. Lóránt Dudás as member of the Supervisory Board of the Company, effective immediately.

Dismiss was made pursuant to article 9 point 1 a) and point 4 of the articles of association of the Company.

Appointment was made pursuant to article 9 point 1 a) – c)  of the articles of association of the Company.

Pursuant to its statement and the deposit certificate attached thereto, the Entitled Shareholder holds 298,575,091 shares in the Company, which constitute 61.49% of the Company’s share capital and entitles the holder thereof to 61.49% of the votes at the general meeting of the Company.

Dr. Lóránt Dudás is the General Counsel and Member of the Board of Optima Investment Ltd. Dr. Dudás joined Optima Investment Ltd. in autumn 2016, where he first worked as senior legal counsel. Currently he holds the position of General Counsel and advises on real estate, corporate and commercial law and investment law matters. He has been Compliance Officer at Optima Investment Fund Manager Ltd. since 2017. He has been Member of the Board of Optima Investment Ltd. since 2018. Prior to joining Optima Investment Ltd, Dr. Dudás provided support to Takarékbank Zrt. as senior legal counsel focusing on corporate lending, syndicated loans and consortium financing, investment services, transactions and the implementation of other business and integration projects in 2014-2016. Between 2011 and 2014, he worked as a senior attorney focusing on real estate, corporate and commercial law and dispute resolution in CHSH Dezső & Partners International Law Firm and between 2007 and 2011  he provided general legal support to an economic and financial agency that supported the Ministry of Defence.

Dr. Dudás graduated from the Faculty of Law of Eötvös Lorand University, then he passed the postgraduate qualifying exam and was admitted to the Budapest Bar Association. He also studied economics at the Faculty of International Business Economics of the Budapest Business School, as well as completed the Corporate Compliance training program of the Budapest Institute of Banking (BIB) and the International Training Center for Bankers.

According to his statement, Dr. Lóránt Dudás is not entered in the register of insolvent debtors maintained in compliance with the Act on the National Court Register dated 20 August 1997, does not perform any activities outside of the Company’s business which could be considered competitive with respect thereto, does not participate in any competitive business either as a partner in a civil partnership or any other type of partnership, and is not member of the authorities of any competing company or any other competing entity.

Legal basis: § 5 point 4 and 5 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018 on current and periodic disclosures by issuers of securities and the conditions for recognising as equivalent the information that is required by the laws of a non-member state.

  8.12.2020  17:10