(Incorporated and registered in Poland with KRS No. 61500)
(Share code on the WSE: GTC.S.A)
(Share code on the JSE: GTC ISIN: PLGTC0000037)
(“GTC” or “the Company”)

The Management Board of Globe Trade Centre Spółka Akcyjna (the “Company”) hereby announces that on 17 January 2022 the Polish National Depositary for Securities (Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A., the “KDPW”) issued statement No. 49/2022 (the “Statement”) regarding the conclusion with the Company of an agreement on the registration of 88,700,000 (eighty-eight million, seven hundred thousand) series O ordinary bearer shares in the Company, each with a nominal value of PLN 0.10 (ten groszy) (the “Series O Shares”). Pursuant to the Statement, the KDPW agreed to register the Series O Shares and to assign such shares the ISIN code PLGTC0000037, provided that such shares are introduced to trading on the same regulated market on which the remaining shares in the Company marked with the ISIN code PLGTC0000037 are traded.

The registration of the Series O Shares with the KDPW will be effected within three days of the receipt by the KDPW of the documents evidencing the decision of the entity operating the regulated market regarding the introduction of the above-mentioned shares to trading on the same regulated market on which the remaining shares in the Company marked with the ISIN code PLGTC0000037 are traded; however, no earlier than on the date indicated as the date of the introduction of such shares to trading on the regulated market. The information on the registration of the Series O Shares will be made public by way of an announcement issued by the KDPW.


Legal basis: § 17 section 1, point 1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018, as amended, on current and periodic disclosures by issuers of securities and the conditions for  recognising as equivalent the information that is required by the laws of a non-member state.

Warsaw, Poland

Sponsor: Investec Bank Limited