(Incorporated and registered in Poland with KRS No. 61500)
(Share code on the WSE: GTC.S.A)
(Share code on the JSE: GTC ISIN: PLGTC0000037)
(“GTC” or “the Company”)

The management board of Globe Trade Centre Spółka Akcyjna (the “Company”) hereby announces that on 21 January 2022 the management board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A., the “WSE”) adopted the following resolutions:


  1. resolution No. 67/2022 regarding the designation of the last day of trading on the main floor of the GPW of the rights to the series O ordinary bearer shares in the Company (prawa do akcji, the “Rights to Series O Shares”), according to which the management board of the GPW designated 25 January 2022 as the last date of trading of 88,700,000 (eighty-eight million, seven hundred thousand) Rights to Series O Shares, marked by the Polish National Depositary for Securities (Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A., the “KDPW”) with code PLGTC0000334;
  2. resolution No. 68/2022 regarding the admission and introduction to stock exchange trading on the main market of the WSE of 88,700,000 (eighty-eight million, seven hundred thousand) ordinary bearer series O shares in the Company with a nominal value of PLN 0.10 (ten groszy) each (the “Series O Shares”), according to which the management board of the WSE stated that the Series O Shares are admitted to trading on the main market and resolved to introduce them to stock exchange trading on 26 January 2022 in accordance with the standard procedure, provided that such shares are registered by the KDPW on 26 January 2022 and are assigned code PLGTC0000037.

The above-mentioned resolutions entered into force on the date of its adoption.


Legal basis: § 17 section 1, points 2 and 5 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018, as amended, on current and periodic disclosures by issuers of securities and the conditions for  recognising as equivalent the information that is required by the laws of a non-member state.


Warsaw, Poland

Sponsor: Investec Bank Limited