(Incorporated and registered in Poland with KRS No. 61500)
(Share code on the WSE: GTC.S.A)
(Share code on the JSE:GTCISIN: PLGTC0000037)
(“GTC” or “the Company”)

The Management Board of Globe Trade Centre S.A. (the “Company”) hereby announces that on 20 June 2023 it received from the shareholders: GTC Holding Zrt, GTC Dutch Holdings B.V. and ICONA Securitization Opportunities Group S.Á.R.L. (the “Shareholders”) a draft resolution concerning item 7 – Adoption of a resolution on the distribution of profit for the financial year 2022 – of the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of the Company convened for 21 June 2023, as announced by the Company in current report n. 8/2023 dated 25 May 2023.

The draft resolution submitted by the Shareholders is enclosed to this report.

The draft resolution

Legal basis: Art. 19 point 1 (4) of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018 on current and periodic disclosures by issuers of securities and the conditions for recognising as equivalent the information that is required by the laws of a non-member state

Warsaw, Poland

Sponsor: InvestecBank Limited