Kazimierz Office Centre is the head office of State Street in Poland and the key location for the operations of the company in Europe. State Street Poland provides a range of complex investment servicing solutions including end-to-end investment fund accounting, derivatives processing, securities pricing, financial reporting and hedge fund administration.

“In 2008, the office space created by GTC in Cracow was chosen by State Street for the purposes of dynamic development of the company in Europe. Four year later the tenant decided to extend the leasing agreement. We are very glad that our office space received a positive opinion of such a renowned company that has appreciated comfortable work conditions at Kazimierz Office Centre” – says Jacek Wachowicz, Member of Management Board and Director of Lease and Sales at GTC S.A.

Kazimierz Office Centre in Cracow was set up on a plot located by the Vistula river, between Gęsia and Podgórska streets, just aside to retail and entertainment centre Galeria Kazimierz, also developed by GTC. Five-storey building holds 15,400 sq m of superior office space, with an additional commercial and service area on its ground floor. For the advantage of users of the object a two-level underground car park for over 200 cars was also built. One of the great advantages of Kazimierz Office Centre is its localization near to the strict city centre and what follows convenient public transport communication.