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Discover who GTC is. Learn about our strategy and objectives, and how our leadership works. Explore our heritage as we showcase our achievements and milestones.
Read all about our projects, from our top featured properties to spaces to lease. We are proud of each and every one of our properties, discover each one here.
Learn everything you need to know about investing with us. Our investment case and results, share price and shareholder information are all listed to make it easy as possible for you to make your decision.
We understand how integral Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) is to every business and stakeholder within a business today. We proudly highlight the work we are doing in this and the progress we are making.
News & Insights
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17 Jun 2021
Globe Trade Centre has successfully issued a debut unsecured green bond for EUR 500m. The bonds, bearing a coupon of 2.25% p.a., received a strong reception...
08 Jun 2021
Globe Trade Centre announced today that it has been assigned an investment grade rating of BBB- with a Stable Outlook by Fitch Ratings and Ba1 with Positive...
01 Jun 2021
Globe Trade Centre has presented its first-ever ESG report, summarizing the Group’s achievements during 25 years across its six markets. The 2020 report...
27 May 2021
Green Heart, a unique example of best practices in sustainable and responsible development, has received the BigSEE Interior Design Award. Created together...
24 May 2021
GTC has signed a sale and purchase agreement for the sale of its standing office portfolio in Belgrade. The transaction concerning 11 buildings in 5 projects...