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We understand how integral Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) is to every business and stakeholder within a business today. We proudly highlight the work we are doing in this and the progress we are making.
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05 Mar 2008
Allianz is expanding its offices in the NEFRYT building by an additional 4,000 sqm. Although the building has not opened yet, it is already fully let...
03 Mar 2008
Globe Trade Centre S.A. (GTC) has signed a lease agreement with one of the leading global IT suppliers, Hewlett Packard. HP plans to develop its activity in...
28 Feb 2008
GTC achieved in 2007 a record profit of EUR261m Operating profit rose 38% to EUR 323 m Q4 2007 profit amounted to EUR 60m Globe Trade Centre S.A. (GTC)...
Globe Trade Centre S.A. received the prestigious Central & Eastern European Real Estate Quality Award for the CEE Real Estate Developer of the Year 2007....
25 Feb 2008
GTC plans to repeat in Osijek a success of Zagreb’s Avenue Mall. A shopping mall will offer a 26,000 sqm of modern retail space. GTC is involved in...