About Us
Discover who GTC is. Learn about our strategy and objectives, and how our leadership works. Explore our heritage as we showcase our achievements and milestones.
Read all about our projects, from our top featured properties to spaces to lease. We are proud of each and every one of our properties, discover each one here.
Learn everything you need to know about investing with us. Our investment case and results, share price and shareholder information are all listed to make it easy as possible for you to make your decision.
We understand how integral Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) is to every business and stakeholder within a business today. We proudly highlight the work we are doing in this and the progress we are making.
News & Insights
Keep up to date with everything we are doing. Key milestones in our business, growth and property updates, and highlighting achievements our people have made, can all be found here.
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28 Jun 2010
The first building of University Business Park in Lodz received an occupancy permit GTC concluded lease agreements with Kredyt Bank and Intergraph The...
16 Jun 2010
New tenants for the 5th anniversary of Galeria Kazimierz in Cracow Ten new brands have joined the list of tenants and four existing shops have reopened with...
24 May 2010
GTC and Polnord to jointly develop a modern mall in Warsaw The shopping centre will be constructed on a 7.5 hectare site in Wilanów The opening of the...
20 May 2010
GTC S.A hired Warbud as the general contractor for the 4th Platinium Business Park building The building is scheduled to be finished by the end of May next...
14 May 2010
Rental income increased to EUR 30.6m (+42% y-o-y) Gross margin from operations was EUR 24.6m (+15% y-o-y) GTC maintained high liquidity at the end of Q1 2010...