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21 Jun 2007
GTC to open the first third-generation shopping mall in Zagreb.Avenue Mall brings Zara to Croatia Avenue Mall – the first third-generation shopping...
19 Jun 2007
In seven months of sales of the Rose Garden residential development in Bucharest, 500 out of 908 homes have already been sold. First half of investment to be...
23 May 2007
GTC acquires two prestigious tenants for its Wrocław investment – GLOBIS Wrocław. One year prior to completion of construction works the firm has...
21 May 2007
GTC Bulgaria has acquired a retail site in Varna. 37,000 sq m NRA mall is going to be completed in Q4 2008. Terms of acquisition of two more retail sites in...
Q1 2007 profit amounted to 11m EUR. Higher margins achieved on rental income and residential sales. Sales of new residential projects are progressing at a...