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We understand how integral Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) is to every business and stakeholder within a business today. We proudly highlight the work we are doing in this and the progress we are making.
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27 Nov 2008
Modern office space is not only a steel and glass structure, cold and devoid of emotions. Until the end of this year, the lobby Platinium Business Park in...
13 Nov 2008
Globe Trade Centre S.A. (GTC) announced its Q3 2008 financial results. For the three-month period ended on 30 September 2008, revenues grew 87% QoQ to EUR 35...
31 Oct 2008
Globe Trade Centre S.A (GTC) has acquired funding for the Pascal building in Cracow from BZ WBK S.A. The construction of the fourth building of the office...
14 Oct 2008
In September 2008, Globe Trade Centre SA (GTC) began realization of the Karkonoska Office Center – a modern A class complex of total lease area of...
09 Oct 2008
Globe Trade Centre SA received the prestigious Euromoney Liquid Real Estate Awards 2008 for the Best Overall Developer in Emerging Europe and the Best Office...